Live Positivity Visual Forum

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Feelin' this Busy Signal song

Missing someone could be hard on your heart, but to miss is to love, and to love is to fill the heart with joy. Do you see where i'm going with this? As much as it hurts sometimes, missing someone is actually positive.

Yes, Love is the key, if you don't believe me ask Aretha.

Positivity Focus, Example 1

From time to time here at the internets most popular positivity blog, we like to spotlight others on the web promoting positivity.
This video blogger's energy caught my attention, but its really all about the first minute monologue of positive goodness. Followed by a transformation in the 2nd video of positive energy into more positive energy, can you feel it? HELLA Positive.

32 Day later he is still positive, and now wears Affliction, which we all know means Affliction. Personal positive transformation can be done, as proof by this HELLA Positive guy. Its all about a positive outlook to get you over your mental and physical humps.

So be positive, visualize, and remember Sky's the Limit!