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Tuesday, January 25, 2011

More Banton, More Countries! Panama!!!

Panama, Reggae, Yes, Yes, Yes!

Panamanian Banton, Yes, Yes, Yes!


A little more reggaeton than that of traditional reggae stylings, the reggaeton flavor is more popular in the Caribbean region then anywhere else. Makes for some good dance vibes, and endorphins popping, which equals, yup you guessed it, POSITIVITY!!!

Let's Go to the beach!

Speak Spanish? I guess the connection is explained here.

And then there's this guy...

Alright can't end the post on that guy, instead here is Ras Nini, who appears to be the head OG Rastas of the Panamanian reggae scene, who also appears in the reggae historical clip above. Pretty interesting Spanish version of a great Bob Marley track... Cheers to Panama!

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